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Hi Bernhard,

2011/7/5 Bernhard Dippold <>

Hi all,

Bernhard Dippold schrieb:

Hi Björn, all

Björn Balasz wrote:

Hi Bernhard, all,

Am Dienstag, 21. Juni 2011, 23:09:33 schrieb Bernhard Dippold:

I'd start with a gallery of the already presented mockups
(perhaps with a short description of their features) and then go through
this gallery and collect the single features for another gallery of UI
elements / positions / ideas as a basic tool for our overall concept.

I don't know if a gallery or a table would fit our needs better.

While a gallery is easier to create and maintain, a table allows to add
more fields than just one caption below each image.

With a gallery we probably need to go to the gallery entry's wiki pages
to get the necessary information.

A table (containing mid-size images in one of their columns) would allow
to add the features contained in the mockup, the rationale for each
specific design element (if existing) and many more information.

On the other hand it's harder to write than just to the gallery.

Could you take care of this? Important to me seems to be that commitments
licenced correctly and allow to show mocks, designs and even prototypes
the same time. Don't know which technical solution is best for this...

I can try to - but I'd really appreciate someone else to step in (too).

My time is limited, but that's probably the same for each of our team

I started with some thoughts on the single UI elements table.

Here is the very first result:

A table with different fields containing UI elements, a thumbnail image,
name and date of upload, last activity, description, other implementations,
advantages and disadvantages and finally the priority (or status of

Please don't hesitate to comment and work on this table, find superfluous
or lacking columns, add your own ideas -

I already have a table of some of my ideas on : should I add all
the ideas to the table? I'm assuming that would overflow the table,
especially when the "Description" column is so small, but which features do
I add then? Or should I just add a link to my table?

But most important: discuss it here.

If there will be positive feedback I'll move this page out of my personal

Best regards


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