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Hi all,

I have a lot more experience with Powerpoint 2007 than I have with LO
Impress. One of the habits I brought from Powerpoint was flicking through
slides while in design mode by pressing the Up and Down arrow keys. I
immediately noticed that this doesn't work in Impress because the arrow keys
are used to scroll up and down in the slide design window. That led me to
ask the question; why is there a huge amount scrollable white space
surrounding the slide in the Impress slide design window? In Powerpoint the
window is 'fitted' to the slide but in Impress there is roughly 800 pixels
of empty padding to the left and right of the slide and there is about 300 -
400 pixels of empty padding above and below the slide. I was considering
filing a bug for this because I think it would be helpful for Powerpoint
converts to abolish this empty space and free the Up and Down arrow keys for
cycling through the slides. However, I thought it might be better to ask the
question here first since I don't know the functional reason why this space
exists or whether it's necessary.

Impress experts, what are your thoughts on this? Is this worthy of a bug


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