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I didn't understand the Version 1 and Version 2
thing, though. Version 1 seems very sane and usable, but is it in
substitution to the 'Revert' function?
Me, I must admit I didn't really understand version 2, either. Take
another look at the wiki page: I killed it yesterday.
Basically, my proposal is to replace a dedicated reversion
functionality by the ability to remove single part of styles from the
style, e. g. only the font family etc. (which seems to me more useful
than simply duplicating undo/redo). Additionally, global undo/redo
should work. Adding a dedicated [Revert] button to the dialog also
wouldn't make much sense (at least to me -- if you anyone can explain
its function well, it would be added to the proposal again), because
users would not learn that global undo/redo works, and thus would find
themselves limited to undoing single changes.

Plus, I strongly believe we should have 'Automaticaly update this style when
formatting is changed directly' right in the formatting or main toolbar, in
addition to being able to set it in the Style dialog. This would allow very
fast modification of styles, including indentation, without people having to
go too often to the dialog: as much as it is already getting improved, it's
still a dialog (and generally you have to go through 'Styles and Format
window' before getting to it).
Great idea, I think. But: I'm unsure how to do this without confusing
users who haven't learned that function yet. I think a problem would
be properly coupling that symbol/checkbox with the style selector. It
would also be an additional proposal that belongs to neither the
button proposal nor the redesign of the Paragraph Style dialog. Maybe
you want to add this to the Whiteboard?

'Auto-update' option in the dialog). Of course the phrasing could be better
(this will be a though one) but the gains would be enormous.
Yes, that's the second problem with your proposal: how do you create
an icon/phrasing for this function?

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