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On 04/22/2011 07:44 PM, Bernhard Dippold wrote:
Hi Daniel, all,

Daniel Gonzalez schrieb:
Hi Guys

Recently completed a logo for the Community of LibreOffice in Venezuela
and I like to read your comments before passing it to production.

I'm sorry to say, that this logo doesn't fit with my idea of a consistent visual design for LibreOffice.

Not following the Branding Guidelines [1] is a bad idea in general.
This might be possible in certain circumstances, leading to an update of the Guidelines - e.g. an additional guideline for dedicated language team (or marketing team) logos.

This would mean an interactive approach inside the design team - and if you want to start such a discussion here by presenting your logo draft, you will find us open for new ideas and proposals.

But at the moment I can't support the usage of this logo by anybody:

You shouldn't add any graphic or text to an area of half the width of the symbol all around the logo.

You shouldn't put any content inside the document symbol.

The size of the Venezuela flag distracts the interest from the LibO logo because of the strong colors.

As I already told you, local activities should be part of the marketing teams - there is no hint to marketing, so your logo raises the wrong impression, that LibreOffice moved away from the language based community structure towards a country based community.

Logos to be used by official representatives of our community should include the "The Document Foundation" subline, other community members should use the alternative logo instead, but in this logo the relative position of the text "LibreOffice" has been moved to the same baseline as the symbol.

Your logo doesn't fit with either of them.

I can understand that the LibreOffice team at Venezuela needs a logo they can use to unify their efforts and show their togetherness to other external people too.

But in my eyes this can be achieved by using the standard LibreOffice logo. Perhaps we can add a "Venezuelan Marketing Team" or "Venezuelan User Support" as a subline, if it is crucial for you to show this to your local contacts.

Separation from other LibreOffice teams (especially if they talk your language) means to hinder co-operation and reduce shared resources.

Let's find a way that covers both aspects:
Identification with the international LibreOffice community and local recognition as active LibreOffice team.

Working together on this topic would probably lead to a dedicated logo for the Venezuelan team that keeps the LibO logo as main element, visible and recognizable at the first sight with some kind of addition (by text or graphic) for your team.

Best regards


Three new version


Daniel Gonzalez
Comunidad LibreOffice en EspaƱol

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