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I don't have a wiki page, but you can see the jpg at;


2011/1/26 Paulo José <>

Hi James!

Can you do upload the GhostIcons.jpg image to your wiki user page? The mail
listing don't allow attach, so we can't see these icons.

Thank you in advance! :D

On 26-01-2011 10:30, James A. Schulz wrote:

1. The current version shows two "ghost" icons (toward the left) in the
standard tool bar:

[image: GhostIcons.jpg]

These are not disabled items from the list of available buttons; neither
appears anywhere on that list.  So, what are they, and where do they come

2.  I tried to make this point (and the next one) with OpenOffice some
ago, but it never got any traction with them: it is a mistake to ever
disable the "Save" item on the file menu.  Even when a save would be
pointless (because nothing has changed) the user should not be penalized
requiring an extra key stroke to escape from the file menu) for making the
unnecessary save.  Users should be encouraged to save as often as it
to them to do so.

3.  Given that the MDI is written in stone, it is still a mistake to show
the first window a "document close" button, and then not show that button
subsequent windows.  This kind of inconsistency only confuses users, and
makes them less likely to switch to LibreOffice.



Paulo José O. Amaro
Computer Science Student
Federal University of São João del-Rei
WebDesigner / Linked Empresa Júnior
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