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On 2024-07-03 16:01, Gabriele Battaglia wrote:
The only accessible thing is the form to create the table.

Then, everything is blind.

None of the alt+ctrl arrows command work. I can't understand if I'm in the table or not in which cell, column or row.

If I insert some text I have no way to know where it has been inserted.

From what I can see, this is likely something that needs to be implemented in NVDA (similar to what Orca on Linux has). NVDA has a mechanism for that, but it's currently not implemented for NVDA's LibreOffice app module.

If you want to report an issue to keep track, you can do so in the NVDA issue tracker:

From what I can see, LibreOffice sends a focus event as it should, but for some reason this doesn't cause NVDA to announce the newly focused cell when jumping between cells using Tab or Shift+Tab.

What works for me, though, is announcement (including the row/column number) when switching between cells using the arrow keys, e.g. Up/Down to move a line up/down or Left/Right to move a character. This may mean that you'll have to press these buttons multiple times until you end up in the next cell, though. What also works for me is using Ctrl+Down, which moves one line down, and jumps to the next column to the right instead of the next row below in case the last line of text in a Writer table cell has already been reached.

Maybe this can be helpful as a workaround for now at least?

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