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Hi, and welcome!

On 2024-07-03 17:23, Hermann Tibor wrote:
How accessible is Jaws with the latest Libreoffice package? Is it necessary to install Jaws 
scripts? If so, where can I download it? Is the latest Libreoffice package also compatible with 
NVDA? Thank you very much in advance for the answers and help.

When I last tried, using LibreOffice with JAWS was working in general. However, I don't have much experience with JAWS and it's been a while that I've quickly tried it with LibreOffice, so others actually using JAWS on a day-to-day basis might be able to give a more detailed answer.

To my knowledge, there are no separate LibreOffice scripts for JAWS.

You can also use LibreOffice with NVDA. From what I've heard, the user experience with NVDA is better than with JAWS, with NVDA providing better support for the IAccessible2 accessibility API that LibreOffice implements.

Like LibreOffice, NVDA is open source, which is also proving to be a great opportunity to work together and implement improvements that need changes in both, LibreOffice and NVDA. In case of problems with JAWS, trying to find out what's happening on the screen reader side is more difficult from a LibreOffice developer's perspective. However, when reporting specific issues there, my experience was that that was worked on and fixed for newer JAWS versions.

The best way to get an impression is probably to just try yourself.

If you run into any issues with either screen reader, please don't hesitate to report them.


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