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Hi :)
A quick search of the Nvda web-site shows they don't list Libre Office yet.  They still only have 
Open Office and they call it although it's recently become AOO = Apache OpenOffice.  

Can someone on their lists ask them to update?  Perhaps give them this link to the relevant page on 
LO's wiki?
I think their advice for Open Office is equally relevant to LibreOffice so perhaps make it 1 
section called something like
"Apache's OpenOffice and TDF's LibreOffice"
They have a line about recommending people use IBM's Lotus Symphony which is no longer available 
afaik and the code is not in AOO just yet.  It might take quite a long time to appear.  

They say there is a problem reading OOo's read-only documents.  Is that still a problem?  Are LO's 
difficult to read too?
The documentation team started to put a lot of work into trying to make them easier but they may 
have forgotten or got side-tracked.  

Also Nvda's own guide only seems to be available in html format.  Would they like help from LO's 
team to get it into a nice Pdf and/or Odt format?  Perhaps help with getting them available as 
printed books through Lulu?  The docs team generated a little cash that way but more importantly 
got their guides out to a wider audience.  I wonder if Lulu could print in braille?  Does anyone 
here translate LO or OO's guides into braille?  If so which languages?  

Wow!  Lots more questions!
Regards from
Tom :)  

--- On Mon, 8/10/12, Kevin Cussick <> wrote:

From: Kevin Cussick <>
Subject: Re: Nvda list, was: Fw: RE: [libreoffice-accessibility] Latest Libo Won't Play Nice with 
my JRE
To: "Tom Davies" <>
Date: Monday, 8 October, 2012, 12:25


Here is the page where you can subscribe to a few e-mail lists for nvda 
including support hope this is what your looking for.

On 08/10/2012 11:44, Tom Davies wrote:
Hi :)
How do you join the Nvda list?  Where is it?

Would it be a good idea to create a wiki-page to introduce people to accessibility issue related 
to LO (and perhaps wider?).  The documentation mailing list has a ton of wiki-pages about all 
sorts of things to help them keep track of different things and to help people join in with what 
they are doing.  The java-bridge page seems reasonably popular already even though it's not 
widely known about.  Would it be useful to have an accessibility wiki-page that links to various 
external in internal sources?

I could set-up a page if that would help but you guys & ladies might have to add useful content.  
Pretty much anything you have found useful might be useful to other people however trivial or 
obvious it might have seemed to you.  Also i don't quite understand how to get a 
table-of-contents onto wiki-pages here.  Perhaps this address would be good?

Ooops, lol!  The page already exists but it seems you have a lot to add including the link to the 
java-bridge page and it might be good to add a link to that page from somewhere sensible on the 
main home-page
Regards from
Tom :)

--- On Mon, 8/10/12, V Stuart Foote <> wrote:

From: V Stuart Foote <>
Subject: RE: [libreoffice-accessibility] Latest Libo Won't Play Nice with my JRE
To: "Kevin Cussick" <>,
Date: Monday, 8 October, 2012, 2:05


Golly. I hate to keep harping on this.  And I know it must seem like we are asking you to jump 
through hoops.

But as Tom notes the effort is to clear it everything off and start clean from a known state. In 
your latest attempt you've ended up non-functional.

To have a correct outcome, the install order IS important. LibreOffice gets install LAST.

Remove in this order:

    1.   LibreOffice
     2.  NVDA
     3.  Java Access Bridge
     4.  Java Runtime Environment

Install in this order

      1. Java Runtime Environment
      2. Java Access Bridge
      3. NVDA
      4. LibreOffice

But note this:  with JRE 1.7u7, the Java Access Bridge v2.0.3 is installed automatically and just 
needs to be enabled with a "jabswitch.exe /enable" command.   Only for JRE 1.6 do you still need 
to use the JWin utility to install and configure Java Access Bridge v2.0.2.

In other words you should no longer use the JWin program with JRE 1.7 greater than update 6. 
Rather, simply enable the built in Java Access Bridge and then install NVDA and finally 

Also, during LibreOffice 3.6 installation, on the last page of Installation Wizard configuration 
"Ready to Install the Program" there will be two check boxes 1) "Create a start link on desktop", 
and 2) "Support assistive technology tools"  Check that box and then select the Install button.

The assistive technology checkbox is off by default--and must be checked to enable assistive 
technology in LibreOffice without navigating the Tools -> Options -> Accessibility and Tools -> 
Options Java menus.

Without the Accessibility "Support assistive technology tools" checked, NVDA will read the 
outside frame elements of LibreOffice-but will not be able to read or navigate text within the 



From: Kevin Cussick []
Sent: Sun 10/7/2012 5:47 PM
To: Tom Davies
Cc: V Stuart Foote; Kevin Cussick;
Subject: Re: [libreoffice-accessibility] Latest Libo Won't Play Nice with my JRE


OK I uninstalled Lo, uninstalled the java7 TM update I think it was
installed nvda I can't see anything that relates to access bridge,
because the java7 just downloads it with window's anyway. rebooted the
PC installed lo, installed the downloaded java.exe 32 bit it is version
7,rebooted the PC but before doing so checked that the java switch was
checked it was, then reinstalled Nvda I used the portable version of
nvda this dose not use anything that Java would be needing anyway. It's
getting late so struggling to keep focused, anyway the result is that I
did not get lo working oh nearly forgot after rebooting but before
installing nvda again I downloaded the jwin program ran it and ran the
have ferret.exe file as well, but as said nothing what now? thanks in
advance but I am about to give up If I hear that anyone else has this
latest stable version running with java7 and the access bridge then I am
happy to take instruction on how to fix it, but if not I think I have
reached the end of the road.

I have a feeling it is a problem with lo and u as well as has been said
on the Nvda list. but I hope to be proved wrong thanks for all your help
all who have tried to help.

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