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On 05/26/2011 08:55 AM, Tom Davies wrote:
Hi :)

Nautilus is sometimes a bit unpredictable and seems to suffer from some weird
bug in dealing with networks.  If i have troubles with it i often find
installing a different file-browser such as Thunar or Dolphin (brings in tons of
bloat unless you already use KDE) are often able to cope but i haven't explored
to find the best file-browser to use because i just keep preferring Nautilus
despite it's occasional glitch.

However it's more likely that the problem is the server itself rather than the
desktop machines, particularly if it's a Windows Server.
Regards from
Tom :)

I use GNOME by default, have added most of the KDE packages since there are many KDE services/packages that works better than GNOME does, but there are other things that I do not like about KDE that stops me from using it as the default desktop. I use Nautilus [? this is the GNOME default, right], but have Dolphin available in the system tools folder.

So if I get your text proper, Nautilus has built in file sharing abilities as long as they are installed. By "default" my install of 10.04LTS has "samba 2:3.4.7~dfsg-1ubuntu3.6" installed. This is shown in the Synaptic Package Manager, but the Ubuntu Software Center shows that Samba is not installed. There is also a GADMIN-SAMBA listed there, but it is not installed either. "Nautilus extension to share folder using Samba" is listed as installed. Why it shows Samba installed in one package manager while it is not installed in the other, I do not know.

So the question is what "server" or file sharing software is on the system you are saving the document to, that does not work?

From: Jean-Christophe CUGNIERE<>
Sent: Thu, 26 May, 2011 13:23:57
Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] "save as" on a samba server

yes this happens only with libreoffice, i've tried with gedit and gimp
and it works perfectly.
It works also perfectly with libreoffice in a windows session and with
libreoffice in an ubuntu session on an other pc.
In fact the problem is linked to this pc + libreoffice + ubuntu. Change
any of these 3 parameters and up to now it works.

How the samba shared are mounted is a goog question. I'm not really
aware of this question.
I just right clic on the part "shortcuts" ot the main menu then
"networks" and then in nautilus open any of the samba servers, creating
shortcuts (signets in french) for further access. What is noticeable is
that it is mounted or accessed exactly the same way on the other ubuntu
pc and works perfectly.

On 26/05/2011 14:00, Lorenzo Sutton wrote:
Jean-Christophe CUGNIERE wrote:
Hereunder is my problem,

I have 3 computers in a samba network
- Dell7 under windows7
- UbuntuT61 under ubuntu 11.04
- thintkpadr60 with two partitions :
      - Ubuntur60 under ubuntu 11.04
      - Sevenr60 under windows7
They all have a session with the same user and have shared folders,
they all use libreOffice.

When, being in an ubuntu session of thethinkpadr60  i try to save a
libreoffice file in a samba shared folder i have the reply "erreur
lors de l'enregistrement du document XXX:
erreur générale
erreur d'entrée/sortie générale
save as;ubuntur60;towards ubuntur60;works
save as;ubuntur60;towards sevenr60;works
save as;ubuntur60;towards dell7;erreur générale
save as;ubuntur60;towards ubuntut61;erreur générale
save as;from any system except ubuntur60;file on ubuntur60;towards any
system of the network;works
save as;from ubuntur60;with any other soft;towards any system;works

I would like to emphasize that every saving works except on this
partition towards the samba networks.
I have tried to uninstall libreOffice without success.
I have tried to re-install Ubuntu without any success, my next step
will be to try and go back to ubuntu 10 and OpenOffice (too bad !)

Any suggestion will be a pleasure.

Just a couple of questions:
- Does this only happen when trying to save from within LibreOffice?
E.g. opening gedit and saving a file from there works?
- How is/are the samba share(s) mounted from ubuntu?



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