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On Sat, 2011-05-14 at 08:53 -0400, webmaster for Kracked Press
Productions wrote:
I modified the NA label so it would work with Lightscribe.

I did this since it may be better, for the short term, to use Lighscribe 
DVDs for burning NA Community Project DVDs for handouts to businesses.  
The only problem with this method is it takes about 20 minutes to burn 
the label design onto the disc surface, using the "best" option.

The lettering below the logo had to be moved up since it would be cut 
off by the way Lightscribe labels are formatted.  The hole in the middle 
is larger than a paper label.

Hopefully I will be able to borrow an inkjet printer that prints 
directly to the disc's surface.  That would be nice, since it would make 
a good looking colored label, while Lightscribe is a B&W only and does 
not like "grayscale" images.

Hi Tim,

Thanks, that looks rather good - BTW there is some actual B/W artwork
available for the Logo that will get rid of that little bit of greyscale
shading the conversion produced. Let me know if you want to update that
with same, I can work the svg source file to be B/W if you like.

Otherwise - I need to catch up with the other mails here this morning.

Thanks again


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