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On 3/1/11 5:41 PM, drew wrote:

If you want a disk for hand out by YOU great, but then it needs to be
branded for YOU. If you want to work on a local community disk that is
great, then it needs to be branded as a Community effort vs a TDF
effort. (only the German club seems to be capable of deciding on their
own what is TDF official - BTW)
I would describe the situation of the German community - which is 
organized into a not for profit entity, and is definitely not a club - 
in a different way: they are the only community which has switched from 
OOo to TDF globally, they are represented at SC level (actually, three 
SC members are board members of the German community), and they have 
lent most of the money used by TDF so far.
At the moment, is definitely easier for the German community than for 
other communities to get the "TDF official" status. I do not see any 
reason why the other communities should not be able to reproduce a 
similar effort, and get a "TDF official" status.
It might just take some more time, just because other communities are 
not represented as well inside the SC.
Italo Vignoli - The Document Foundation
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