On Sun, 2011-02-27 at 22:14 -0500, Marc Paré wrote:
Le 2011-02-27 11:51, drew@baseanswers.com a écrit :
Howdy All,
Just uploaded some yesterdays videos - not edited, these are just
short comments from show attendees.
more later,
Drew, Andy, Jeff and Jon...
These are AWESOME!!!! Keep doing this! If you have anyone from the
Hispanic community as well or from any other NL groups at all.
You are obviously informing people that this could be used for promo
material, right?
Yes - I managed to work that in, each person - This is going on YouTube
and will be used for Marketing purposes. This is OK with you?
If they weren't comfortable with that, and many were not, no video, it
was that straight forward and simple. I didn't keep a ticker but
anecdotally I'd say 1 - 2 folks said, nope not really comfortable to do
that, for each one that enthusiastically (and they were) said yes.
So a few more from Sunday, it was much slower then Saturday, traffic
wise, although I think we had longer conversations, including some user
support, as in hey how do I, type questions.
And here are the raw files:
Otherwise there are a number of Photos taken by all of us that will find
there way to the wiki and private blogs over the next day or two.
Will write up text on the Good, the Bad and the Ugly (just to make a
phrase not a hint) in the day time tomorrow - it was a long flight and
ride home today.