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On 02/27/2011 11:21 PM, Marc Paré wrote:
> Hi Guys,
> I wanted to propose to reconsider the preparation of the DVD for the
> countries of Central America and South America.
> I think the best way would be to build a DVD that includes
> Spanish-speaking countries or (LatinoAmerica which includes the
> Portuguese of Brazil). You can see here a list of all the countries to
> which I refer + Brazil if you decide to be LatinAmerica.
thanks for the link
> And if we continue the Americas DVD then we should integrate languages
> like French, Portuguese English and Spanish as they are the 4 languages
> that dominate the region. (No divide in North America, Central America
> or South America)
One world with no borders, is a good idea.
> What they do not agree to exclude a language is as important as a DVD
> Portugues Americas as I understand you want to do so far, in this case
> would have to It excludes the French language in Canada and I think that
> it is not you want.
> In any case, I apologize for my insistence on these issues that I think
> are often important.
> Greetings.

Hi Daniel:

Thanks for posting your note.

Just in case you misunderstood, the initial project was for a "North American DVD" with English; Spanish and French-Canadian support on the disk. With the interest we received from some Spanish members we thought that we could easily include the Central and South American support. This could be easily done because we were already including Spanish on the DVD.
The reason for not including Portuguese support (at this point) is 
that BrOffice, who are our partners in LibreOffice, have already 
support for Brazil. I have already contacted a member of BrOffice 
off-list and also informed the BrOffice members of the "Americas DVD" 
project on the Marketing list[1].
At this point, we are just waiting for opinions from BrOffice members 
on the project. They may simply decide to leave the Americas DVD 
project as is, which would have just the Portuguese files and do their 
own DVD for Brazil. Please note that even if we were to not offer 
Portuguese as one of the supported languages, that the 
dictionaries/help/language files will still be on the DVD should 
anyone need these files.
We are still at the point of discussion and the DVD, at this point, is 
still being tested in English before adding support for the other main 
Let me know if you need more information.



Since I am the one who pushed forward on this DVD project, I want to 
thank everyone for their comments about it.
First this DVD was just going to be one of those that went to Friends, 
Families, and local Clients that I got involved with OOo over the 
years.  Then is was suggested to make it in the "style" of a German 
language version for the European Market.  Next it was suggested that it 
become a North America Community DVD, with English, French-Canadian, and 
Mexican-Spanish content.  While that was going on there was a suggestion 
that since we are including Spanish, we could look south of Mexico and 
add some support of those other Spanish speaking countries.  Since the 
Spanish and French language documentation is not well established, I am 
working on an English Only version that will be handed over to French 
and Spanish speaking team members to work in converting the HTML files 
and finding the content for their languages.  These two other languages 
will first be created as their own DVDs, Then when each are completed, 
they will be merged into one DVD that covers English, French-Canadian, 
and Mexican-Spanish [and Latin America Spanish].  There was an optional 
look towards Brazil, but as Marc stated, there is a great 
Brazilian-Portuguese project for LibreOffice called BrOffice 
Note:  If anyone can find French and Spanish documentation for 3.x or LibreOffice, and content like Extensions, 
Templates, and Galleries, let me know so it cam be used for the 
Non-English DVD content.
Due to some suggestions about language support, for the dictionaries and 
language/help packs, I have added Great Britain English [Canada], 
Italian [Canada], Brazilian Portuguese, and I threw in Hebrew for the 
large Hebrew speaking communities that seem to be left out sometimes.  
There seems to be a large Arabic and African emigration to Canada and 
USA.  Also there are many other English-as-a-second-language communities 
in North America, so to support them there is the very large list of 
dictionaries included.  Since it is known that most people use Windows, 
they will not have to go online for those languages packs.  The help 
packs are another story.
Just to give you the count, there are 178 dictionary files in the 
largest of the two lists.  These are every dictionary that I could find, 
so far, that will work with LibreOffice.  There are only 113 languages 
supported in the language packs.  Also, these languages listed are not 
Asian ones needed for areas like China and Japan that use one glyph per 
word.  Someone else can deal with that.  As for Latin America, there is 
a dictionary that states Latin America Spanish in its file name.  There 
are many Spanish dictionaries that have country names in their names.  
Hopefully that will cover as many of these Spanish Speaking neighbors 
south of the USA border.
For the record.  I speak English.  I use Google's translation systems to 
read text in the other languages.  I used this type of system to read 
the German language "template" for our DVD project.  I will do the same 
to translated the English languages pages to Spanish and French as a 
"template" for those two teams.
So keep your suggestions and comments coming.  You can either send them 
to this list, or you can send them to me directly.
Timothy Lungstrom
living in New York State, USA

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