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Le 2011-02-21 14:51, drew a écrit :
On Mon, 2011-02-21 at 14:44 -0500, Marc Paré wrote:
Le 2011-02-21 14:34, drew a écrit :

Well - I would really like to offer a flyer for Document Freedom Day on
the table - I would like to do the same 2 images on a landscape letter
format, BW, for copy and  guillotine cut, as the fund raising flyer.

Not sure if you can work in a TDF/LibreOffice tie or not - you could if
you would work on that via the int. marketing list perhaps. I just need
the file before Friday morning, I can run a laser printer master and
have the copies made at the LAX Staples print center.

There is a baseline flyer at the DFD website I believe - but as I recall
you also have done local events, so maybe you have something already -
but again, if there is a good way to tie TDF/LibO with it - that would
be wonderful.



Hi Drew:

I'll give it a shot and base it on the fund raising flyer. Did you ever
finish the fund raising flyer?
Is it not done? (ah yes euro, I read the full email thread on that.)
So - no it's not done, I will update that later today

Is there more?

I'll keep the QR. Hmmm ... I guess the
logo will have to have the TDF name on it too then.
Yes, please cover that with the international list - I'm not sure how
folks will want that handled.

Thanks Marc

I can finish these up for you if you are ok with the Grayscale banner 
that I had proposed. Otherwise, I can put it to the Design team to see 
if they can come up with a logo/banner that would be more appropriate so 
that it could be printed on green stock.
Would you like me to do this?

I will fall in line with working on the DFD flyer.



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