On Wed, 2011-02-02 at 00:31 -0500, Marc Paré wrote:
Le 2011-02-01 23:52, drew a écrit :
Yes, I like that better and will make that change. Thanks for the help,
it made a real difference.
Well, I think this is a good spot then to go ahead and submit number 3,
with the change above, to the design list for review - hopefully we can
just put this piece to bed and tomorrow start on the cover art.
Just reading through my mail. Notice that #1 and #2 had an "e" missing
in ---> Documnt < --- . Not sure if this was deliberate to make the line
fit or for spacing purposes. I also agree with Carl's comment on the
"are" and the word "encouraged" < --- nice!
Hi Marc
Nope the missing 'e' was a typo and it was fixed in this last iteration,
refresh the browser cache on 3 and you will get the fixed version.
I like #2 and #3 the most. I kinda like #2 better though. :-)
Maybe burn half with one and then the other? Then let people pick the
style they would like and see how many are left over from the pile.
I will fix the typo and change the wording in 2 and upload the svg files
for 2 and 3 for anyone to use. That said, for the show if more folks
would prefer the edge text then we can go that way, but personally I
prefer #3, mostly for the clean top above the logo.
I plan to have them in jewel case with a cover - I can't afford to make
all that many - on the German list, for the CBit show, they asked for a
3,000 euro donation to cover printing discs alone, next day they
announced they would have discs. Having 50 DVD professionally printed w/
covers and jewel cases will run $265.00. If anyone wants to offer to
pick that up it would be great? Of course if you want to cover more then
50 that would be great also.
I'll try to, but can't say for certain tonight, otherwise it will be
press on labels and jewel case covers via the inkjet. Either way I would
really prefer to just run one design as a batch.
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- Re: [us-marketing] SCALE Libo Disc art work (continued)
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