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Le 2011-01-14 09:39, Benjamin Horst a écrit :

On Jan 14, 2011, at 8:20 AM, Marc Paré wrote:

Le 2011-01-14 08:09, Marc Paré a écrit :
I forgot to mention, I updated my design as well with a more streamlined page of instructions. If people 
could give it a test and comment, that would be good. Once it is considered OK, I'll upload it to the wiki 
and it will remain there for people to use. I am still considering it as in "testing" phase for now.

BTW, there had also been a request to supply this in .pdf format. I will not be supplying it in 
.pdf format as I am trying to promote the distro and use of draw. People can use LibreOffice and 
get just as great a file as in .pdf. Alternatively, they can .pdf the file themselves with our 
great distro.
The differences between our two versions are simply the addition of more information on yours, 
right? Did you re-base it from the latest update I made (I moved the lines for one of the folds, 
since they had been incorrect in my first version). If you have not, may I suggest doing so, to 
ensure they are as similar as possible?

I moved the lines 5a/5b on my design to fit the text. These are the 
flaps that are tucked under the short triangle. I am not sure, but I 
think that there are still differences if you print from one printer to 
the next. Which is why I have added the "Don't worry if ..." I am 
printing from a Samsung SCX-4200. These could be minor, but on a fold 
patterned model, it may mean minor deviations from the author's printer 
I also want to upload my plain version to the wiki and let others use that to create more 
derivatives for upcoming events.
Yes, good idea. I found that for the launch, you could either do the 
"soft" launch approach which requires that the planes wings are spread 
apart and allows for a larger flatter surface for it to fly. 
Alternatively, you can do the "medium to hard" launch (such as mine) 
which requires the end result being similar to the conventional paper 
airplane construction with wings being close and not spread out too much 
and holding the plane where the cockpit part end and pushing out hard on 
the launch. Both of these methods work. The "soft" launch requires a 
little more finesse. The other, well, you just throw and experiment with 
your pitch. :-)
We should also provide a sample of the back side of the page for people 
who have the option of printing front-back. Any suggestions? On mine, I 
would most likely opt for your design on the back or a LibreOffice 
letterhead-type page with a "To-Do" list or maybe a wordsearch for kids 
on LibreOffice with a hidden sentence like one of our slogans.
I've also been requested to make PDF versions of my design, which I was planning to do. What if 
someone downloads it on a locked-down computer without LibO but wants to promote it nevertheless?

Good point. I'll make it in .pdf as well then.


Benjamin Horst
646-464-2314 (Eastern)



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