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Le 2011-01-14 08:09, Marc Paré a écrit :
Le 2011-01-14 00:09, drew a écrit :

Just noticed that Ben updated the information on the video upload -
thanks, that and your blog entry:

look really good.

The odg file with the photos added is great also.

Marc had done a thing a week or so ago with adding some graphics to
areas that would then be surfaces after folded.

I'm thinking that instead updating the odg file you have there how about
if maybe take it as a base and make show specific file(s).

Then just print out a ream front and back at the local Staples(?) before
the show.

Also - the idea of longest flight down some hallway contest pops to
mind...masking tape, measuring tape and a prize - how hard would that

Thanks again,


I was actually contemplating getting another version out for those who
had the option of printing "front-back" which would allow us more
advertising territory. It would also take care of having "fold lines on
one side" and none on the other. But, for the every day user the "one
side" version is probably the most convenient for them to download.

For conferences purposes, the "front-back" model would seem to make most
sense. I have also left a note on the design list about creating a
"LibreOffice letterhead" and the answer back was that the SC would have
to decide on this. We could use the back, with LibO letterhead to
deliver a message.

IMHO, the marketing team should have at its disposal an official version
of the "letterhead" to use for marketing purposes. If this requires the
SC approval, then OK. We could always decide to have Italo OK letterhead
material going out at conferences.



I forgot to mention, I updated my design as well with a more streamlined page of instructions. If people could give it a test and comment, that would be good. Once it is considered OK, I'll upload it to the wiki and it will remain there for people to use. I am still considering it as in "testing" phase for now.

BTW, there had also been a request to supply this in .pdf format. I will not be supplying it in .pdf format as I am trying to promote the distro and use of draw. People can use LibreOffice and get just as great a file as in .pdf. Alternatively, they can .pdf the file themselves with our great distro.



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