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Le 2011-01-02 14:03, Italo Vignoli a écrit :
On 1/2/11 7:35 PM, Marc Paré wrote:

To make it possible we need more participation on the US membership list
along with US members doing a bit of "blogging". As I see it now, there
are only a dozen or so of active US members and I don't believe that we
could (even with Canadian membership) sustain a 2 week US/Canadian
native blog schedule.
Guys, you are not alone. This is THE community effort. We must find a
news story for a press release every two weeks (sometimes it will be
three weeks, but the target is two).

I have already done it for two years in a row in Italy, from September
2004 to December 2006, so it is possible to repeat the effort.

Sorry, I was just taking it from the viewpoint of a native N.American 
view. It just seems to hold more value if it comes from a local 
person/group than overseas. But yes, if we are talking of this on an 
international scale, 2 week schedule would be possible. We would 
however, have to try to get more local releases as much as possible for 
the purposes of marketing to a US consumer who has very little 
experience with LibreOffice. If these people are made aware of native 
users in marketing releases, then it will be adopted more quickly and 


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