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Hi all,

Sorry for the belated reply.

Il 08/02/25 19:23, Guilhem Moulin ha scritto:
It seems all errors are coming from one single mirror, though.

That's not the mirror I identified and reported last night though.

Indeed it's not; but I just retried from the same host that produced
the former report and it still returns some tarballs when asking for
tar.gz files from that mirror.

I'm using a VPS in a datacenter in Germany, and mirrorbrain redirects
to the indicated webserver that, it seems, it is located in Wien,
Austria. Which makes sense.

Not today, but I can work on a different report to log which mirrors
uses for each of the downloaded tarball, just to understand if the
mirror works as expected sometimes or fails for every request, if needed.

Also that one looks ok from here:

I also honestly have no clue on why this happens; if someone have some
some ideas on what's going on, please provide your insights.

I can provide other specific information for debugging, if they are
needed. I am just not so keen to provide them on a public venue :)

Emiliano Vavassori
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