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Hi all.

I'm experiencing issues when bulk downloading the .deb binary tarballs
both from and with a python script (this one
[1]). What happens is that some of the downloaded tarballs (not all,
I'd say a minority) are really just tarballs and are not compressed,
while the others are gzipped (as expected).

I talked with cloph briefly at FOSDEM; he provided an explanation for
the status quo and identified the root cause of the issue: some of the
web servers used by MirrorBrain are misconfigured and do not have the
right MIME types set up.

I would like to provide information to fix the issue: can someone
elaborate on how I can collect the needed information?

At the moment I'm using requests.get function in python to download
the archives, but if someone has working code already, even in a
different language/script, I can surely study it.

Thanks in advance.



Emiliano Vavassori
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