Hi Guilhem,
Thanks for your support.
Il 07/02/25 23:23, Guilhem Moulin ha scritto:
Note that downloadarchive.tdf doesn't redirect to the mirror network
(except for versions also found download.tdf).
Yes, I was aware - cloph explained to me the specific use case; but I
tried with both "general URLs", and for the last releases of course I
matched the redirects, of course.
You could modify your script to show the effective URL (the one fetched
last after following all redirections) and report the hostnames for
which there is a MIME mismatch so we can forward the issue to the
respective mirror admins.
I've done that (including a retrial mechanism, so I can finally build
25.2), thanks for your advices.
I produced a CSV list of failures, with date/time of download (in CET
timezone - please disregard micro/nano seconds, as the time is grabbed
right before download starts), final URL and MIME-type of the archive;
please find it here:
It seems all errors are coming from one single mirror, though.
Hope this helps.
Thanks, regards,
Emiliano Vavassori
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