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On Sat, 18 May 2024 at 22:34:22 +0200, Philippe wrote:
1. Activate
  <> for everyone

This is not a technical blocker (although depending on the additional
traffic and load we might have to adjust the backend); the homeserver is
not open for registration for the same reason as
email addresses are not up for grabs.  A decision to change that would
probably need to come for the board.

2. Create a useful structure with Spaces, Sub-spaces and Rooms
3. Inform the members about the new official all in one communication
4. shutdown IRC and email list until (example) 31.12.2024

I don't think this is a viable plan.  People (the different teams in the
project) use communication channels they feel most comfortable with.
Some are using channels not under TDF's control (FDO lists but also IRC
or Telegram or various social media) for historical or preference

The infra team can suggest modern on-premise alternatives but I doubt
that forcing people would be well received.  Some individual lists have
been imported to Discourse and subsquently closed, but the demand came
from inside (from active posters) not from “above”.

Personally I also agree with Ilmari that [Matrix] is not a suitable
replacement for email lists or Discourse.  It's a fine IM solution, but
for my personal workflow I *also* need a non IM solution.  Mail works
just fine as far as I'm concerned.


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