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Hi Philippe,

On Sat, 18 May 2024 at 18:06:46 +0200, Philippe wrote:
my name is Philippe, and I am new here and excited to embark on this journey
with all of you to contribute to the advancement of LibreOffice.

I am interested in infrastructure (Website, Wiki and communication
services), Design and maybe some times in coding , and I am eager to dive in
and start exploring opportunities to contribute. I want to make LibreOffice
even better and more popular.

A little about myself: I'm a computer science student and freelance web
designer from Germany. My passion for open-source software and the
principles of community-driven development has led me to join the
LibreOffice community, where I hope to make meaningful contributions and
collaborate with like-minded individuals.

Feel free to reach out to me with any questions or suggestions. I am looking
forward to learning from your expertise and working together to further the
mission of LibreOffice.

Welcome!  The infrastructure team is mostly working with backend stuff
and not so much with frontend or web development, but this list is
probably the right place for coordination nonetheless.  Let me just add
Juan José (TDF's webdev) in the loop :-)


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