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Hello Christian,

I don't want to shoot the messenger but the BoD's mandate is very clear on
the purpose of the forums: users support. I'm referring to that, regardless
of any potential future extension.


Le 7 oct. 2012 16:50, "Christian Lohmaier" <> a écrit :

Hi Charles, *,

On Sun, Oct 7, 2012 at 2:08 PM, Charles-H. Schulz
<> wrote:
At the risk of repeating myself, and to support Florian's views: we are
talking about a forum for users, not a migration, even a partial one, to
forums instead of mailing lists fro contributors.
Well, that's actually not true :-)

Björns initial proposal that was the base for kicking of the
coordinators stuff explicitly mentioned the possibility of moving
contributors stuff to the forum, that it would be important not to
have a users-only forum to begin with.

I explicitly referred to it in
and as such his thoughts about is important for a successful forum
launch also made their way into the planning page in the wiki:

So just because you didn't follow the forum-creation process doesn't
mean "that was never mentioned!!!!!". On the contrary, that idea was
part of it from the very start.

That was never discussed
and so far I think we are only at the stage of opening something... Let's
not try to eat something bigger than we can chew...
But as Björn's mail, also the one from Marc is only thinking about the
possibility to move stuff to the forum.

If contributors in that area don't like that, it will all stay as is.

No reason to "shoot the messenger"


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