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la 11.8.2012 21:41 leif kirjoitti:
During the last couple of days we might have had about 200.000 visitors.
Most of them was probably going to the front page and directly to the
download page.

I will suggest that we add a donation field to the download page. That
will most likely get more funds raised in the future - especially when
we launch new versions of the software.

I think this is a good idea in general. One thing should be kept in mind
though: The download template is used on localized websites too and there
are some localizers who cannot due to local laws get involved in asking
for donations without getting an official permit to do so. This is
unfortunately the case in Finland (hopefully we are the only country with
such strange laws).

So if/when this gets implemented I hope the donation link or form can be
overridden for specific subsites. There are other things that we could
legally do on the Finnish site such as linking to a merchandise store
(once there is such thing). But the basic rule here is that if we ask for
money we must give something in return (and remember the taxes) or get the
money collecting permit (which is not easy).


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