Hi *,
On Sun, Aug 12, 2012 at 1:38 PM, Jihui Choi <jihui.choi@gmail.com>
Question. I am a moderator of Korean mailing lists. Sometimes it's
easy to
know whether a new mail is a spam
or not, but sometimes it's not easy. For instance, when all message
of a
mail is encrypt.
IS there ANY CLUE to know this?
We provide a gmail gadget that can decode base64
http://www.libreoffice.org/mod/gmailwidget (with or without https,
doesn't matter)
You need to go to your gmail settings → labs and enable the "Add any
gadget by URL" lab-extension.
Then you can go to Settings → gadgets and add the above URL.
You should then have a entry box on the left-hand side where you can
paste the base64-encoded message and click "decode".
copy the text like this
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64
I.e. Include the line with the charset and the one with the encoding.
More header lines are OK, as it will then discard anything up to the
first empty line, you don't need to manually pick the important two.
If you're not using gmail or don't want to add it to gmail, you can
use it standalone in two variants:
http://www.libreoffice.org/mod/gmail (the widget as it would appear in
gmail, standalone) and http://www.libreoffice.org/mod/ (the version
that adds some more debug stuff, like the original encoded message)
work as well
As google's translate-API is no longer free, the translate feature
that is also available uses google's website-translate feature. But
translation is mostely useful for the "fallback" moderators for lists
that don't have dedicated ones.