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On 06/26/2012 03:54 PM, Thorsten Behrens wrote:
webmaster-Kracked_P_P wrote:
So maybe it is time for an update for that "gethelp" documentation
page to reflect these changes.

Someone should try to keep this page as up-to-date as they can, or
at least once a week.

Hm, once a week is maybe a bit too frequent - but I agree, the wiki
currently looks much nicer.

Would you have a few cycles left to liase with the documentation
team & move those pages forward?


-- Thorsten

I find that some weeks there are many new files on the wiki page to work with, and then some weeks there is nothing.

I go there once or twice a week to make sure I keep up with the documents, so I can download them, update my DVD's doc list, and then upload it all back online to my domain.

For me, the simple fact that if you show all of the guides in 3.4 and 3.5 and either list the finished books or a link to the chapters in the wiki, it would be just fine.

Right now it looks like there is no docs for Math or some other things in 3.4 or 3.5 when there are either guides of chapters. Once it is set up that way, all you will have to do is modify the list when the final guide books are ready. Otherwise you just state that not full book is ready but the completed chapters may be found at the following link.

With my illness dumping 2 weeks a month out of my schedule, I do not know how much time I have at any one time. There are times where I can barely type for weeks at a time, or even not go online for days and days. That is one reason I can no longer work for a living. Either my stroke symptoms stop me, or my "environmental" illness caused from chemical exposure in a factory is doing it. Best days I get a few hours at my keyboard. Worst ones are several days to a week or two not being able to do much of anything, even eat sometimes.

Sorry. I would help, but could not "guarantee" I would be able to do it every week or so.

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