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Hi Florian, Thanks,

Le 2012-02-20 12:54, Florian Effenberger a écrit :

Marc Paré wrote on 2012-02-20 07:58:

I have played extensively with the Google Calendar and I have these
couple of questions and some observations.

I use a Google Calendar for a company I work for as freelancer, so I'll
try to give some feedback on that.

* if a Google Calendar were employed for the main calendar. Is there a
way to include the calendar on the main website. I am using iframe on
one of my sites and it works quite well.

IMHO, some CMS provide APIs, but I don't know how they technically embed
the calendar. To my knowledge, it's not an iFrame, but I am not sure.

I looked into this and it looks like it can be done. It looks like some people are hoping for friendlier user of <iframe> in the next version 3.0 of SilverStripe. Anyway, the pages where I found information on adding a Google Calendar on SiverStripe v.2.x.x can be found here:


* if a Google Calendar were employed for the main calendar, would it be
possible to make use of the regular SilverStripe admin login/passwords
to work with the Google Calendar?

No, you need to use the Google login.

Thanks. If this is the case, then I would suggest the calendar owner be someone with a *.documentfoundation email and then this person could assign some trusted members as admins with full rights who could then add admin with create/delete events rights.

* I prefer to see the Calendar used on the website on the "About"
section; however, if we were to decide to use it instead on the wiki,
would it be difficult to insert the calendar on the wiki as well as keep
it on the website?

There's a Google Calendar wiki extension that works quite well. :-)

That's great! Then this would allow us to show the Google Calendar on the website for our website visitors, AND, to show the same Google Calendar on the wiki for our work purposes. Both would be updated at the same time through the main Google Calendar account. I have tried the "share" admin function of Google Calendar and it works quite well. The only requirement is that admin people need to have a Google account.

BTW ... the DE team uses a Google Calendar plugin on their Joomla site here: -- plugin: GCalendar




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