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A couple of things to bring up regarding the Nabble archive service.

1 - a few weeks back Nabble switched from a totally free (as in Ad Free)
service to one that now includes Ads. This is a bit of a problem IMO.
[For instance having a MSO on the bottom of a page with LibO
header..well, that is just darn right unseemly]

So - there are 2 ways to turn off the ads.

- Money
- Barter

Money is the easiest. Basically one can buy credits (page views) at the
following rates:
$5.00 USD = 10,000 credits (page views)
$25.00 = 100,000 credits
$125.00 = 1,000,000 credits

I've pulled together some usage numbers:

[This is only a subset of the lists, used to create some estimates. I
was really surprised by the ja usage]

From this I'd estimate we have right around 400,000 page views to date
and that a million credits is what we need. I'm planning on making that
purchase later this week.

[note - I asked for some details on what is considered a page view on
the Nabble support site, so feel pretty confident in the numbers - the
support guys put 300 credits on our account and we blew through that in
less then a 24 hour period]

Barter by the way is tied into item number 2.

2 - Language support for the GUI is finally available. Current language
packs available are de, en, fr, ja, pt-br. The specification for
creating additional language packs is also now available.

Regarding additional language packs - the Nabble team is paying a bounty
of 50,000 ad credits for every language pack submitted and accepted. If
anyone feels up to working on this have them contact me, or the Nabble
team, for details.

The not so good news is that UI language can only be set at the archive
level...meaning that I would need to do make some fairly extensive
changes to how things are currently setup in order to make use of the
language packs. I would also require some thought and coordination with
the website, I would like to get some feedback as to how much
interest there would be in pursuing this.

3 - The first real spam attack happened, about a week ago. Sly little
devils exploited a weakness in how I had set access permissions for the
application pages..I've removed the offending posts [none of which made
it into the real mail server archives] and have begun changing the
access settings at each of the pages...when I'm finished I'll document
the changes on the wiki.

4 - there is a new templating system about to be released that will
offer much more control over how we build the individual pages for
display...I've started review the documentation for that and have setup
a test when that is available I'll come back here with some
ideas on how we might make use of same.

Finally - I suppose the other option is to stop using Nabble..and if
anyone thinks that is the right course of action, now is a good time to
bring it up?



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