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On Fri, 2011-06-24 at 21:03 -0400, webmaster for Kracked Press
Productions wrote:

@Tim - I know the page that came back after the fix the other day looks
like hell - but no one is going to leave it like that. I maybe should of
put a nice looking landing page there, but I figured it was just Ugly
for a few days and better to get the files we need to like to moved and
rearranged first.

I have no problem with ugly with the move to better and then to lovely.

What I really was concerned about was that hiding of the right hand side 
of the text - so the thread was started.

I also wondered about some other items that might crop up.

Why the vertical navigation instead of the horizontal second or third 
ones like both site and the wiki site.

Different theme..

I just chanted that - Look at the site right now:

The vertical navigation tends to remove needed screen space, as I see 
it.  I never liked them much.  Now that we have about 600px width for 
space, we need to guard as much of it is possible.

Right - I tend to agree, so maybe we need to make our own theme, again,
or just convince others to let us 

Actually, for the installs, I added thought adding German might be good, 
since that is the last language not listed that the US schools teach in 
my area.

Uh - I would be hard sell on that - not impossible, but a very very hard
sell. I would much prefer to finish what we started without changing the
target at this point, for this 21 day period - let's keep very focused
and get this done, well.

Right now the installs on the CMS site shows 3.3.2 and not 3.3.3, so 
that may need to changed.

Old files Tim, the HTML files there having been sitting dormant for a
couple of months. Like I said the reason for a hard date this time was
so that we don't stall, again. (yes I know I'm talking about and to
myself maybe)


Also I was wondering how the "system" would compensate for all the 
shared folders and links so the files will be properly located on the 
ISO of the DVD?  The only one I have seen so far is from Brazil and it 
looks like they did very little that was similar to what the NA DVD will 

Right and it appears to me that they also did not use the CMS to produce
the .iso, only for distribution, so far.

But there is a question there I've been running through my mind today
also and I suppose should be taken up on the projects list. 

Maybe someone could PM me about how that will work, or point me to the 
documentation already available.

We need to talk about on, or I should say: I thought we all agreed to
use the projects list to discuss libreofficebox issues. 

As for the extensions and such that is not currently on our DVD and 
currently resides in my "private" extension folders;

Please move this question to a different email thread, maybe with a
subject line about the upcoming extension/template site.


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