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Hi Matt, Marc, all,

Matt Sturgeon schrieb:
[...] But maybe post a banner somewhere on
the homepage (or if we find nowhere, then full width banner) for a
single day in addition?

I'd like to see a banner on the day, but for the longer-term promotion
a blog-post saying the day is coming up is more suitable.

I personally don't like a full width banner - not even for one single day.

Even if we support ODF to the best of our possibilities, to me it is not more important than LibreOffice itself (I know that others might disagree on this point). Therefore I don't want to see a banner putting our logo even more in the background than we already do with the present banner.

And removing more space on the page content in height should be avoided IMHO. On my screen the content has only 490px in height on the main page and the second level navigation reduces it for another 35 px.

Adding a full width banner (assuming it would be only 60 px high) would reduce the visible content here by at least 12% - with a higher banner (90px is much more likely including any necessary whitespace) this would go up to nearly 20%.

What would be possible:

As the fundraising will be finished on March 21st, a new banner could be created for the DFD day on March 30th replacing the other (new) banner with "thank you for funding our foundation - and keep on donating" for just one day.

But at the moment I don't have the time to work on this...

Best regards


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