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Hi Marc, *;

On Mon, Jan 31, 2011 at 7:35 PM, Marc Paré <> wrote:
There needs to be a good calendaring system. Is there a good calendar module
for the CMS?
Well - what is your definition of "good" :-)?

I added one on the staging site (and also on the live site, but there
it isn't used yet)

by default it will show upcoming events, to view past events use the
calendar-widget or the dropdowns below the calendar (clicking the
month will select the hole month as range, clicking next to a week
will select the week, etc), you can also use the URL notation to
filter the date range<fomdate>[/<todate>]

fromdate and todate are in format YYYYMMDD - but don't need to be
specified in full.
will display all events of the year 2010, 201010 would display all of
october, etc.

(existing entries mostly come from a no-longer actively used calendar
feed from OOoDeV)

There are two basic types of events, one type has a full page for the
content, the other one is simpler and attached to the calendar object

compare the two dummy ones.


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