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Hi Narayan!

Just a small proposal and some questions. I think your list will have
influence on what Michael already prepared ([1], correct me if I'm
wrong), so how about ...

Am Dienstag, den 21.12.2010, 15:44 +0530 schrieb Narayan Aras:
01. Steering Committee 
02. Marketing team/Evangelists
03. Usability Team

... calling this the LibreOffice Design Team? Although Stefan mentioned
in another mail, we are still in the phase of defining how we work
together - for the Design team (User Experience / Visual Identity) this
is rather "ready to go", I think.

04. Project managers

What kind of Project Managers do you have in mind?

05. QA team
06. Release Management team
07. Configuration Management team
08. Architects/designers
10. Testers
11. Product-support (bug-tracker) team
12. Authors of built-in Help system
13. Authors of User's Manual 
14. Authors of Programmer's Manual
15. Authors of commercial books 
16. Commercial service providers 

Mmh, since this list keeps growing, I made good experiences with
structuring both requirements and the "appearance" of stakeholders (in
terms of groups providing requirements implicitly and explicitly), e.g.:
      * Planning (Product)
      * Development (Product)
      * Distribution and Marketing
      * Using and Documentation (Documentation = Product Support,
        Help, ...)
      * Support (Support = Supporting Processes and Tools that are
        somehow cross-sectional with regard to the group items above)

Thanks a lot!



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