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Hi James and all:

    I suggest to use a Macro. If you don't know what it is, is a feature that LibreOffice has to automate the process. It usually run well but sometimes crash. To able you can follow this steps:

1) Menu-Tools-Options-Advanced: There Check box "Enable_Macro Recording"

2) Menu-Tools-Macros-Record Macro: There click and appear a "little box" that meaning that almost all that you do from this time in LibreOffice is recording.

3) After step 2), select Menu-Insert-Image-Scan-Request. Until this you did record those steps to scan. Now click Stop Recording button from "little box"

4) Now appear a windows dialog where you can record the macro with those step you were recording: Select My Macros --> Standard --> New Module--> Named as Scan --> Save --> and click accept to overwrite the main option there.

5) Now Menu-Tools-Macros-Organize Macros-LibreOffice: Appear a Dialog Window where you can see the Macros Library: There select My Macro-Standar and find the macro called "Scan" that you save before.

6) Select Scan Module and then select at right : Assign button
7) Appear new Dialog Window: Here, keep "Standard toolbar", and select Button Add

8) There appear a new dialog window where you can look again : My Macros - Standard. Select "Scan" macro and click Add button

9) Now you can see the "main" item in the list at top. With the arrows you can move to top or down the "main" item (This main item represent your macro where you record the steps.

10) Select "main" item and select Modify Button. There select Rename and input Scan. Accept and now in the same place you can select an icon or let as is with the name "Scan"

11) Close the window dialog and the icon-Scan appear in the tool bar at top at left if you didn't move with arrow. If you move ... you can find along tool bar.

I hope this help,


Jorge Rodríguez

El 19/11/2017 a las 10:08, James Knott escribió:
I occasionally scan documents into LibreOffice with a single sheet
scanner.  This means for each page I have to click on
Insert>Media>Scan>Request.  Is it possible to create an icon to run
those steps?

tnx jk

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