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colinkeenan wrote:

plino wrote:

I had never heard of bankers rounding before. Interesting concept.

There is no such function in OOo/LO, Excel or Gnumeric...

But you can easily create a function


(Adjust if your separator is a comma instead of a  semi-colon)

What this does is check if the fractional part is 0.5 and adds 0.5 to the
number if the integer is odd and subtracts if it is even. If  it is not
0.5 then it uses the regular Round() function ;)

Hope this helps!

Due to shortcomings in LibreOffice Calc, I had to adjust your formula as


and for the more usual case of needing to do a Bankers Round to a penny
and not a dollar, I am actually using this:


The reason I needed to use ROUND... in the test is that LibraOffice Calc
seems to often come up with numbers like .499999999... when evaluating
A1-INT(A1) instead of .5, causing the test to fail when it should work.  

The reason I needed to use MOD... instead of ISEVEN(INT... is that after
closing and opening the file, anywhere Calc needed to evaluate
IF(...IF(ISEVEN(INT... it gave a "#MACRO?" error.  Maybe LibraOffice can't
handle nesting functions that far.  By using MOD, it doesn't nest as far. 
Also, MOD(x,2) returns "0" for even and "1" for odd, so it's really
replacing ISODD..., and so I had to add .5 instead of subtract .5 when
MOD... is "true".

And of course, the reason for multiplying by 100 is to use the same idea
for pennies instead of dollars.

Just now, I realized MOD(A1-.5,2) wasn't always acting right either due to
LibreOffice Calc not getting the exact result on subtraction.  Changing it
to MOD(ROUND(A1-.5),2) fixes the problem.  I don't know why MOD(ROUND...
works when ISEVEN(INT... cause the "#MACRO?" error.  They both use the same
level of nested functions.

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