The Opentype specification accepts 100, 200, 300, 400, 500, 600, 700, 800,
900 as weights, as well as "normal" and "italic" for skew. Additionally
"bold" for weight, and "italic" for skew will produce a 'faux' font face by
internally modifying the nearest cousin. These work in the program if you
manually edit the xml layer, but there's no interface to display or select
Frankly, Libreoffice is a dinosaur not supporting at least the 9 even
hundred numbered values in the interface. These numbers do work in the
stylesheets if you manually type the opentype out, so the import filter
and rendering are there and functioning, but the interface is still stuck
in the 90s "four options per fontname" thinking. Yet the interface
designers continue to tweak 'dark mode' instead of substantive feature
(note, I do like and rely on the "4 options" faux bold and faux italics,
but there should be more levels (at least 6 including light, but all 9 are
common today,) and I would appreciate control of a "faux" or opentype
variable numeric "weight" 0-999, and a "skew angle" more, but I'm not
arguing for the loss of that little control that is present in the current
Additionally, without a 'skew' variable input that accepts backslants, a
"backslant" option is needed in the interface (and in the OTF spec, which
means 27 possible 'faces' for a font family, without considering
(expanded/condensed) spectrum for width, or (caption/display) spectrum for
weighting of minor strokes, or (lower/higher) x height spectrum for
density/typography styles. All of these are relatively simple to code
(harfbuzz already has the ability) just no support in the interface, except
the XML doesn't support a skew number or backslant.
On Sun, Mar 9, 2025 at 12:57 AM Robert Großkopf <>
Hi *,
you could only choose 4 typefaces in LibreOffice. If there are more
typefaces for a font the font will be shown with this different typefaces.
Example: DejaVu Sans
There are 9 typefaces available:
Don't know if this is right in English:
Narrow typestyles, normal typestyles and light typestales.
So in Writer I see DejaVu Sans 3 times:
DejaVu Sans
DejaVu Sans Condensed
DejaVu Sans light
Might be this is the same behavior with "Roboto". "Medium" would be the
same as "DejaVu Sans" and I could choose 4 styles for "Medium".
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