El dom, 09-03-2025 a las 07:56 +0100, Robert Großkopf escribió:
Hi *,
you could only choose 4 typefaces in LibreOffice. If there are more
typefaces for a font the font will be shown with this different
Example: DejaVu Sans
There are 9 typefaces available:
Don't know if this is right in English:
Narrow typestyles, normal typestyles and light typestales.
So in Writer I see DejaVu Sans 3 times:
DejaVu Sans
DejaVu Sans Condensed
DejaVu Sans light
Might be this is the same behavior with "Roboto". "Medium" would be
same as "DejaVu Sans" and I could choose 4 styles for "Medium".
You may be right. On my Linux systems I have the complete (?), static
(?) version of Roboto installed and the list of styles is a very long
one -- a total of 54 ttf files (!). There are indeed both Medium and
Regular files. However, on my machine a) LO ( does not show
all the variations (some of which would be subsumed under italic, bold,
etc, variations) and b) both Regular and Medium are present, but the LO
selection box on my system shows Medium but not Regular.
I also checked the selections available in Featherpad and see the same
thing: Medium is present, but not Regular. This suggests that the issue
*may* be related more to the OS than LO.
Sorry we have not hit on a solution, but given a quick glance, it is a
mystery (at least to me) that you can see both Regular and Medium. If
you have a note (or other) program that allows you to choose fonts,
perhaps you can see if its behavior is the same or different.
Roboto is a san serif Google font. While I have not used it for
documents, it was used for a conky I adapted for my systems and, since
the visual was very good, I kept the font for that. If you are curious
you can view and download it from either Google or about any site
offering font programs.
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