On 2025-03-08 08:07, wrote:
.. .
Under Format -> Character -> Font, when I select
Family: Roboto
Typeface: Medium
Siz e: 11pt.
Language: English (UK)
the font will show (and print) as Roboto Medium 11pt. So all is good.
However, when I save the document and then re-open it, the font no longer shows as Medium but as
What do I need to do so that the font is in fact saved as Medium AND will show as Medium once I
reopen that document?
Interesting. When the localization is English (USA), the dialog box is worded a little differently:
"Family" => "Font"
"Typeface" => "Style"
and typically the "Style" ("Typeface") instantiations are {Regular, Bold, Italic, Bold Italic}.
I have never seen the "Roboto" Font/Family, nor a Style/Typeface "Medium" for /any/ font, so I do not know how Medium
would differ from Regular, or if LO has a framework to accommodate a "Medium" instantiation. Where did you find Roboto? Do you
know of any other fonts with a "Medium" Style/Typeface, so that other LO users could test your problem?
Kind regards,
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