On 03/03/2025 06:56, Wiebe van der Worp wrote:
On 3/2/25 16:44, Gabriele Bertolucci wrote:
First you have to select the cell: click on it, then click again and
keep clicked, ...
If you think about it, I agree 100% with OP, it is a clumsy way to go.
An alternative:
Click on cell results in positioning
Then Shift click on same cell results in selecting
Now you can start dragging
But, all in all, it is a bit crazy to press a mouse three times for
such a very basic operation.
It is really quite easy, and the procedure is consistent for any number
of cells, 1 or more.
For multiple cells, click into the first cell and drag the mouse to
select (highlight) a block of cells, releasing the mouse at the end of
the selection. Now click the mouse on the selected block and drag it to
the new location.
For 1 cell, click into the cell and drag the mouse out of the cell and
back to select (highlight) that cell, releasing the mouse at the end of
the selection. Now click the mouse on the selected cell and drag it to
the new location.
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