That rings a bell. I have an Acer laptop with a track pad and just
figure it out last night. Same problem.
Here’s what I think may be happening, and it has nothing to do with LibreOffice. I noticed similar
strange behavior the first time I bought and used a laptop with a trackpad for a mouse. As I typed,
crazy things would happen and, after a while, I realized that my thumb would sometimes
inadvertently touch the trackpad causing an unintended mouse click. The result of that unintended
click would depend on where my mouse cursor happened to be.
You might check to see if your mouse cursor is hovering over the Boldface icon on the toolbar. If
it is, you may be accidentally turning boldface on and off while you type.
This happened to me so often that I have since gotten into the habit of deliberately positioning my
mouse cursor somewhere on the screen where a mouse click wouldn’t do anything.
Chris Johnson rchristopherjohnson@gmail.com
Ex SysAdmin, now, writer /There are three faithful friends; an old
wife, an old dog, and ready money.
/(Benjamin Franklin)
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