Good afternoon
*I have a probably rather stupid question.*
*I have created a number of custom page and paragraphy styles. The
default page style is not much different from the one that came with
LibreOffice and the default paragraph style specifies Western font as
"Times New Roman, 12 point, regular".*
*Yet, when I open a new document and start typing something, Writer at
some point starts to display the text as BOLD font. Something I did NOT
ask for. When I keep typing, it then at some point for reasons I simply
do not understand turns off the bold font and I am back to regular font.*
*Though this may not be an error, it is very annoying.*
*I tried to create new page and paragraph styles, but that does not help.*
*Can tell anybody tell me, what I am probably doing wrong?*
*Thank you.*
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- [libreoffice-users] Automatic (?) bold in Writer · Thomas Blasejewicz
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