What I have unsuccessfully been trying to do is.
SUM(CD6:CD15) + If within this range C6:C13 the string "Upper Swing Pin"
is found, reference BG6:BG13 on whatever line that string was found and
find the text "lb:" and grab the number to the right * BZ that row number
and .. add back to the sum, which is BN17
I have had problems from the start.
In my sample worksheet C7 = Upper Swing Pin 272s 725w
When I use Search or Find "Upper Swing Pin" it is not found.
I was testing with this:
=IF(ISERROR(SEARCH("Upper Swing Pin", C6:C13)), "Not Found", "Found")
=IF(ISERROR(SEARCH("Upper", C6:C13)), "Not Found", "Found")
both said not found.
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