At 15:42 07/02/2025 +0000, Wade Smart wrote:
What I have unsuccessfully been trying to do is. SUM(CD6:CD15) + If
within this range C6:C13 the string "Upper Swing Pin" is found,
reference BG6:BG13 on whatever line that string was found and find
the text "lb:" and grab the number to the right * BZ that row number
and .. add back to the sum, which is BN17
I have had problems from the start. In my sample worksheet C7 =
Upper Swing Pin 272s 725w When I use Search or Find "Upper Swing
Pin" it is not found.
I was testing with this:
=IF(ISERROR(SEARCH("Upper Swing Pin", C6:C13)), "Not Found", "Found")
=IF(ISERROR(SEARCH("Upper", C6:C13)), "Not Found", "Found")
both said not found.
The SEARCH() function will not handle a cell range; instead it seems
to operate only on the cell in your range that happens to be on the
same row. If so, and if your result cell is on row 17 but your range
is from rows 6 to 15, you will indeed never locate anything.
But in any case the SEARCH() function is no help here, as it will
simply tell you whether the text sting was found, whereas you need
instead to identify in which row it was found. To do this you need
the VLOOKUP() function. If, as you explain, your cell content
contains more than the test text, you will need to use a regular
expression and search for something like ".*Upper Swing Pin.*"
instead. Note that you will need to ensure that you have enabled
regular expressions in formulae in Options.
Once you have harvested the content of the relevant cell in a
different column of the same row in this way, you'll need to do more
work to extract the part that you need and will use in further calculation.
I trust this helps.
Brian Barker
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