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On 14/12/24 5:36 pm, Fred James wrote:
Fred James wrote:
OS: Mageia8 Linux

The following (CLI) command ...
libreoffice --convert-to txt:"Text - txt - csv (StarCalc)" budget_2024.ods ... produces a CSV text file, but apparently only of the first spreadsheet in the file.
If I can only have one sheet, I want the 14th sheet

Can I specify the sheet I want, or can I get the whole file?

Thank you in advance for any help you may be able to to offer
Fred James
I received a reply that indicated that maybe some additional information might be in order ... so ...hope this helps ...
There are 17 files and growing ... one per year
I want to write a program to address each of those files, one at a time
For each file then, I want to search it for any occurrence of a word .. not where it is necessarily, but that it is there one or more times. Once I know which file or files the word is in, I can locate it with the "find" tool within LO.

I can do the programing ... I am just stuck on this conversion issue
Thanks again
Fred James

Depending upon the uniqueness of the word you are looking for you can search the .ods files directly. I just found the word Creep in one of my files with zipgrep using;
zipgrep "Creep" "/Users/steve/Documents/file.ods"

I have seen other suggestions such as

|for file in *.ods; do if ( unzip -c "$file" | grep -q "yourWord"); then echo "$file" fi done|

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