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Thanks, but for some reasons I can't make it work. It drives me crazy.
Right now I've set the datebase Range to $Vissen.$G$2:$G$36432
Is this correct?
I think it's wrong. I tested a Database Range for a single cell, and 
that's what you'll have to do: a single-cell-range for every link you 
want to create.
Think about the range as the destination of the link for your needs: how 
could it be composed of a group of cell?

Without sorting the links will work but after sorting Vissen to
place the new entry at the right spot (fron row 2 tot row 36432) like
this column 1: C
Column 2: D
Column 3: E
Column 4: G

the links aren't correct anymore.
You are right. I've done more tests and indeed after sorting I noticed 
Database Range was expanded to the entire column of numbers.
Link continues to work, bit it doesn't point to a single cell: it point 
to the entire expanded range.

Not what you were searching for.

But I made other tests, and probably found the solution :-)

Remember my previous posts, when I wrote to keep the flag "insert or 
delete cells" on?
Well, I was wrong: if you DON'T KEEP ON that flag you will obtain the 
effect you are searcing, even after sorting.

Try it and give me a feedback.

Gabriele Bertolucci

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