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El mar, 25-06-2024 a las 16:21 -0400, Tim Hoover escribió:
Try going to "Tools" to "Customize" (sorry, I have my interface in
Spanish, but that's what it normally would be) and in the popup for
"Menus", on the right "Categories", list all commands and scroll
There should be two EPUBs listed. Hovering over one will show
uno:EportDirectToEBUB", the other simply "command:
(the own you are looking for which offers the options). Then, to
right under "Destination" choose "File|Export as" from the drop
down to
add the option (if not there)*. If it is there, you have just
your time reading this, and I'm sorry.

On my Linux Debian 11 system, running LO 7.5.8, the 'Export as'
option is also missing. However, using your method I was able to add
it with one small change. Because the 'Export as' submenu was
missing, in the tools > customize dialog, I had to click on the
'Insert' button, and select 'Add submenu'. Then I added the 'Export
as' submenu, and then added the 'Epub', 'Epub direct', 'PDF', and
'PDF direct' to the created submenu.

Tim Hoover

Good catch, Tim. I hope that solves the problem for Thomas. Roy

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