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Hi Thomas,

On 25/06/2024 12:57, Thomas Blasejewicz wrote:
On 2024/06/25 19:20, V Stuart Foote wrote:
On 2024-06-25 01:01, Thomas Blasejewicz wrote:

Look again, on the Writer 'File' menu for the "Export As" entry. Not the "Export..." entry.

Thank you, but I have looked already a hundred times.
There are TWO items
* File -> Export ...
* File -> Export as PDF ...
(-> The item "Export as..." is simply not there.)

but nothing else.
and the Export as PDF ... options does NOT seem to have anything related to epub in it.
As usual, I am probably missing something ...

Even though I'm using an older version on linux,, I still get all the options as shown in 
the image you referenced. And it displays epub3 by default. So it's strange that your version 
doesn't have this.

My W10 box has, and it too shows the same image with epub3 selected by default. To get it, I 
follow this path:  File > Export as > Export as epub ...     and there it is, one of four options - 
2 for pdf and 2 for epub.

Curiously, and I hadn't noticed this before, when I use: File > Export ..., I can see in the file 
format drop down list an option for export to epub but no mention of epub3 so I suppose it's epub2.

In the past, before Writer supported a native epub export, we had to install an extension, 
Writer2xhtml, which used to work well. In those days, we accessed it by File > Export .... and in 
the resulting dialog box, select file format from the drop down list { for example: EPUB3 
[Writer2xhtml] (.epub) }.

I gave up using this because the extension didn't seem to be maintained for later versions of LO.  
But I also wasn't impressed with the native Writer epub export either so I now use Sigil with its 
input extension for importing .odt files.  This is my preferred work flow these days. With Sigil, 
you retain complete control and if you've set up the styles well in Writer, they come out ok in 
Sigil. Sigil is a free software tool available for Windows, linux, Mac (both Intel and arm 
versions). But like with most things in life, there is a learning curve.

Another way you could try is to export your document from Writer as a Word .docx and then let 
Draft2Digital's converter take the strain.


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