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I was wondering about the same thing Philip mentions, but then I saw that when I opened a new document, all the custom styles where there. But then I realized that it's probably because there is already some dummy text in my template which appears in a new document--it helps me remember what's in the template. Without the dummy text, clicking on "All Styles" or "Custom Styles" is likely necessary.

I hope that works for bunk3m.

On 11/24/23 17:57, Philip Jackson wrote:
I've made my own templates for various categories of documents and equipped each template with its own sets of customised styles. They work fine. I did the set up some years ago and don't recall exactly what steps were required but I don't recall any particular difficulty.

I do remember that when I first used one of my templates, my customised styles didn't show up but that was a simple oversight on my part. In the sidebar panel (Ctrl-F5) which displays the styles, I had never noticed the selector at the bottom which by default shows 'Applied styles'.

With a new blank document, there'll only be a default paragraph style displayed. When I clicked on the drop-down list and selected 'All styles', there were all my custom styles.

I don't suppose you've made the same oversight?


On 24/11/2023 20:22, bunk3m wrote:

I'm using LO on Win11 and Mac.

I can't get the styles to work and stick in templates.  I've used styles
and templates in MS Word for 30 years before switching to LO in the past 5 years.  I've read the help, Writer User Guide and Designing with LO 2nd Ed. and apparently have missed something conceptual as I can't get the styles
to stick within the templates.

I've created the styles in blank documents and then saved the document as a template.I expected that the paragraph, font, list formats & styles that I created would be saved in the template and reusable in subsequent documents
created from the templates.

But when I use the templates to create a new document, none of the
previously created styles are there.  I find I have to recreate all the
styles again as they aren't anywhere within the template.  So far it's been
a colossal waste of time.

I've found that all the "Youtube University" and User Guides are
superficial when it comes to styles.  My goal is to set up a set of
corporate styles that can be used by numerous people in our organization to
ensure consistency.

Can someone direct me to some more detailed documentation on how the styles are supposed to work?  Perhaps with some more detailed documentation I can figure out what or how these are supposed to work ... or file a bug reports.

Thank you in advance.

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