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On 16/10/2023 19:41, Chris J. wrote:
Hi, all.

Subject says it. OTM -> EPUB so I can get it on a Kindle. Kindles can handle PDF. However I'm told 
PDF is more graphics in nature and doesn't necessarily work well with every Kindle as far as easy 

LO Writer Export claims to be able to do this. I get an error when I try. Examination of this error 
indicates I need  5 or 6 other pieces to pull this trick off and I can't find them all.

Enter Calibre which can translate a bunch of formats into another bunch of formats.

Calibre dumps all my formatting it seems, no paragraph indents, no margins, no centering.

I can assemble an OTM into an ODT and go from there to a DOCX for submission. But I need to get it 
into an EPUB as well.

Any construction thoughts will be gratefully appreciated.

Hi Chris,

My favorite software for converting to epub format is SIGIL. I've found that, for me at any rate, 
Sigil does a cleaner job than Calibre and Sigil has a plugin extension (ODTimport) which will allow 
import and conversion of .odt files.
This plugin will maintain the names of your LO styles once you've set up an initial config file.

Same goes for direct import of docx files (DOCXImport plugin).

Sigil is easy to use but like all sophisticated software it has a learning curve.

Things to be wary of are the vast amount of hidden 'styling' bits and pieces which exist in word 
processor files. These can cause large numbers of unwanted html tags to be placed in the epub. They 
won't necessarily cause malfunction of the epub but make for untidy and excessive coding.

Sigil exists for Windows, Mac and Linux -  see


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