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"AP" == Andrew Pitonyak <> writes:

Thanks very much for your answer, it helped me a lot, but let me reply
to your points below.

Uwe Brauer
Your question is a good one. 

Either I misunderstand your question or you are doing something I do
not know (so you can teach me something) and I will provide what I
think can be a solution to your problem. Let me start with what I do
not understand.

Where you have B1/max(A2:A7), I actually expected it to be A2:A8, but

You are absolutely right! I was so distracted (and annoyed that out of
the sudden the entries in the max function changed (you explained below
why this is so), that I did not pay attention to the other changes that orrur

So the behavior I wanted to report should be like this 

| A | B              |
| 7 | =A1/max(A1:A7) |
| 2 | =A2/max(A2:A8) |
| 3 | =A3/max(A3:A9) |
| 4 |                |
| 5 |                |
| 6 |                |
| 1 |                |

While I wanted 

| A | B              |
| 7 | =A1/max(A1:A7) |
| 2 | =A2/max(A1:A7) |
| 3 | =A3/max(A1:A7) |
| 4 |                |
| 5 |                |
| 6 |                |
| 1 |                |

Now you already gave me the answer, using $. I tried this before sending
the question, but not with the correct syntax!

So the correct way of doing this, is:

| A | B                |
| 7 | =A1/max(A$1:A$7) |
| 2 | =A2/max(A$1:A$7) |
| 3 | =A3/max(A$1:A$7) |
| 4 |                  |
| 5 |                  |
| 6 |                  |
| 1 |                  |

So I learned something very important thank you again.

Now to the «dragged a formula» 
this is basically the same as you do via copying and pasting.

So if I go back to my original question:

| A | B              |
| 7 | =A1/max(A1:A7) |
| 2 |                |
| 3 |                |
| 4 |                |
| 5 |                |
| 6 |                |
| 1 |                |

So I have just defined a formula in one cell. Instead of copying and
pasting, I take the mouse at the right lower corner 

And drag it down obtaining 

| A | B               |
| 7 | =A1/max(A1:A7)  |
| 2 | =A2/max(A2:A8)  |
| 3 | =A3/max(A3:A9)  |
| 4 | =A4/max(A4:A10) |
| 5 | =A5/max(A5:A11) |
| 6 | =A6/max(A6:A12) |
| 1 | =A7/max(A7:A13) |

I have never actually "dragged a formula" so some of what I am about
to say could be wrong. Also, perhaps you can tell me how to "drag with
the mouse". My best guess is that either (1) there is a feature I do
not know or (2) you are doing some kind of selection while entering a
formula (which I know can be done but again, somthing I do not usually
do). I usually drag with a mouse when I am simply selecting cells, but
I am unser how to drag a formula. Then again, I also do not remember
how to do array formulas (I think that is what they call them) even if
I did play with them once some years back.


Uwe Brauer 
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